Outfit 30 | Sewing Project | Butterflies

Growing up, I had many style phases. Sometimes lining up with the trends of the time (I'm shuddering thinking of layered tank tops, plaid bermuda shorts, and heavy lower eyeliner) and some where I veered off on my own: yeehaw, preppy, hippie. While I still love to wear a good boot and some denim, "hippie" style has always called me back, there's just something about it. I love loose-fitting clothes, a dramatic bell sleeve, and the color of mustard-- what can I say. Nowadays, I'm trying to find more subtle ways to incorporate these elements into my wardrobe and sewing endeavors, and I like to think this butterfly wrap top is a testament of style metamorphosis.

During my first foray into thrift store fabric sourcing, I found this butterfly fabric and I swear a heavenly light shone down and the choir started singing when I laid eyes on it. I immediately knew that this lone bed sheet tucked between racks of plain linens was destined for great things. I wanted to pick a project  that felt true to the spirit of the art style, and something that was made of only a few pieces so I could show off full butterflies and not have to worry about pattern matching and accidentally creating Frankenstein's butterfly.

All of this lead me to the Tudor Blouse by Stitch Witch Patterns. I've made a variation of this top before with a button front, but wanted to try the wrap front modification for this fabric. Thank you to ever pattern maker who makes variations on patterns, because it is simply magic to me how much a slight variation transforms something into an entirely different garment. The only modification I made was to keep the sleeve hem free rather than gather it with elastic, in order to create some butterfly wings of my own.

As I write this, I'm becoming increasingly inspired to pull together the remaining fabric and make a matching skirt. I think the rest of my afternoon is calling for a lit candle, some Stevie Nicks, and sewing. Not a bad Sunday.


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