Outfit 46 | Sewing Project | Autumnal

The wind is finally starting to quiet after a long night of gusty rain and flash flood warnings buzzing on my phone. We are without power for the time being, but light is shining through the windows and I am feeling fortunate that we are okay. At one point after being awoken by one of the multitude of alerts, I realized with a start that there are only two days left in September, and I have yet to meet my goal of writing once a month. Healthy priorities, I know.  Well, there's no time like a power outage to sit down and write. 

I came across the Umbriel pattern by Luna Patterns by chance, scrolling through Instagram. Like all of my favorite patterns, it has a handful of variations. For this first time around I decided to make the top with tie shoulders as I was compelled by the all-powerful draw of bows and puffs. The top came together in about two days with no hiccups, cursing or assistance from the seam-ripper. It was also really fun to shop for the perfect ribbon, as it really is the star of this show. With ties on the shoulder and down the back, this top makes me feel like an Autumnal, magical fairy of the fields, or a happy hobbit on the way to a harvest festival. Essentially, it makes me feel like I am living a dream.

I have visions of layering this over dresses once it gets a little cooler (if it gets a little cooler, I'm manifesting) and I'd also like to make the Umbriel dress, maybe in a floral print or plaid for the eventual winter. For now, I'll let my mind wander to fantasies of autumn, and stay inside until this storm passes.  


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