Outfit 32 | Sewing Project

As someone who has always loved getting dressed up, planning outfits, and shopping, there are certain magical pieces of clothing that become favorites before you even get your hands on them. The Basque Dress was one of those pieces for me. The moment I saw the pattern announcement, I stopped mid Instagram-scroll, breath caught and love-struck. How lucky am I then, that I was able to test this beautiful pattern from Stitch Witch Patterns.

Not only is this pattern absolutely gorgeous, with it's unique basque waistline-- usually only found on formal (wedding) dresses-- it is also extremely well written and a fairly manageable project for an advanced beginner. Yes, I have promoted myself out of true beginner status. Yes, I do have imposter syndrome about this.

The other exciting facet of this pattern is the sheer amount of variations. I have written before on my love for a pattern with options, but this pattern truly takes it to the next level. The version I made is sleeveless with a gathered skirt, but other variations include: an a-line skirt, multiple sleeve lengths, and a blouse version. I do plan on making all of them, just give me a little time.

Wearing this dress, I feel like a casual princess who grew up in the woods in a quaint cottage surrounded by woodland creatures (who are also my friends) and honestly-- that's a dream. And who's to say that I can't tap into that feeling every time I slip this dress on? One of the reasons why I have always been drawn to fashion is the self-expression, beyond just appearance. Decorating yourself, draping your body in fabric, adorning yourself in gems and sparkly things, is another form of paint on  canvas. It is imagination, a form of daily day-dreaming, and an expression of love to yourself

Finally, fabric is thrifted. What, are you surprised?


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