Outfit 027 | Sewing Project

If you haven't seen The Queen's Gambit yet, well, you should. Aside from just being a fantastic mini-series, the design (set, costume, etc.) is perfection. Each frame captures a painting of a moment-in-time, in the way that only a nostalgic, reverent period-drama can. You can tell the show was lovingly created, and while rose-colored glasses can be detrimental to accuracy & historical accountability, they often result in beauty of design. But, I digress. The show is amazing, and the protagonist(Beth)'s wardrobe is heavenly. I can't remember the last time I felt so inspired by costuming on a television series. Maybe never? After scrolling through wonderfully curated lists of Beth's outfits (thanks, internet), I decided it was time to make something.

This is the Hinterland Dress from Sew Liberated, and when I saw the sleeveless version I immediately envisioned it as a perfect layering pinafore. It would also be great to wear on it's own (especially in the hot summer that will undoubtedly arrive before I'm ready for it) but in this moment, it called out "make me into a pinafore, live your 1960s serious-but-still fashion-forward-chess-champion dreams".  And that I did.

I will proudly say that this is the best-constructed piece I have ever made. The facings on the neckline and armholes really make the dress feel complete-- and thanks to this step being incorporated into the instructions, all of my seams are finished (I know, I'm blown away too). I made a few silly mistakes along the way (like sewing the bodice to the skirt wrong side out...I spent a nice hour with my seam-ripper), but I made no modifications to the pattern and love the complete piece. I could definitely see this paired with a belt, giving even more variety in shape. Because of the versatility it may even become a closet staple.

While I wish I could end this post with a chess joke, I don't know how to play. Um, just watch the show! Until next time.

I'm going to plan some more Beth-Harmon inspired outfits.


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