
I've been thinking a lot lately about renaissance. My life over the past few months has been an almost continuous string of "what the (insert favorite four-letter-word here) is happening with my life" moments -- and I'm finally reaching a point where it's all settling down.

This has given me the opportunity to be introspective- which means it's time to spiral out of control creatively. It seems I always have to be in some state of chaos.

So much of the past year has been me adjusting to a whole new framework: geographic, work, personal -- and it has forced me to refine who I am. I'm not a different person, but I think being thrown out to the unknown forced me to become more confident in who I am.  

The definition of a Renaissance is "the cultural rebirth that occurred in Europe from roughly the fourteenth through the middle of the seventeenth centuries, based on the rediscovery of the literature of Greece and Rome. ... Renaissance means 'rebirth' or 'reawakening'

I need to revive the creative part of my personality that I've neglected for the past year.  I can't use the newness of my environment as an excuse anymore. The only person stopping me, is me. 

I need to get back to doing things for myself. I need to focus on creative outlets. We spend way too much time with ideas trapped in our minds because we are either too busy or too afraid to attempt to make them real. Too afraid to try, to create something meaningful- and fail.

Don't get me wrong-- I'm hesitant and lazy. I am absolutely petrified at the thought of failure. But for any kind of growth- and any chance of success- we have to try.

Here's my list (and binding written commitment) of what I need to restart back in my life.

  • Write here. Don't care if anyone reads it, likes it, whatever. Write for you.
  • Photography Day once a month. Plan a trip somewhere with the singular goal of capturing photographs.
  • Become a Yogi. Go to a yoga class at least 2x/week. Get that yoga body.
  • Cook lots of veggie food. Nourish yourself. Feel good about eating.
So, if anyone's reading this, I urge you to think about what kind of renaissance you need in your life (also, now you know how truly basic I am). 


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